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TKNO Stock Ownership Breakdown


Alpha Teknova, Inc.

At Close 4:00 PM
After-Market 04:12 PM
B-ESG ScoreESG Rating

TKNO Stock Outstanding Shares

Making an investment decision in the stock market involves a certain amount of risk, so it's important to thoroughly review a company's stock before making any decisions. Stock float, number of short positions and outstanding shares are among the many factors an investor should take into account.

Short Percent Of Outstanding Shares0.66
Short Percent Of Float1.64
Shares Outstanding53.31M
Shares Float8.30M
Shares Short351.55K
Short Ratio1.2
Short % of Float
Short % of Shares Outstanding

Market Insider TKNO

Investors cannot turn a blind eye to insiders as well as institutional ownership. They need to follow insider trades to determine the direction the stock is likely to take.

Major Holders Summary
9.3% Percentage of Shares held by All Insiders
80.56% Percentage of Shares held by All Institutions
88.83% Percentage of Float held by Institutions
Number of Institutions Holding Shares

Institutional Ownership

About 80.56% of TKNO shares are held by financial institutions. BOOTHBAY FUND MANAGEMENT, LLC is the top corporate investor, holding 0 shares valued at -. A 0% stake in Alpha Teknova, Inc. is owned by the company. CONESTOGA CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC owns 249.95K shares valued at $662.37K, which translates its holding of 0.79% of the stake in the company.

DateHolder% StakeShares HeldTotal Value ($)Shares% Change in Portfolio
2024-03-31BOOTHBAY FUND MANAGEMENT, LLC0%0--10.3K-100.00%
2024-03-31CONESTOGA CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC0.79%249.95K662.37K2.42K+0.98%
2024-03-31MILLENNIUM MANAGEMENT LLC5.76%1.83M4.64M21.76K+1.20%
2024-03-31PARKMAN HEALTHCARE PARTNERS LLC0.93%296.2K784.94K13.97K+4.95%
2024-03-31OSTERWEIS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC0.85%270.27K716.22K270.27K+100.00%
2024-03-31BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/0.68%216.22K572.98K-1.7K-0.78%
2024-03-31REDMILE GROUP, LLC0.54%171.45K433.78K10.45K+6.49%
2024-03-31MORGAN STANLEY0.3%95.62K253.4K-8.26K-7.95%
2024-03-31SCHONFELD STRATEGIC ADVISORS LLC0.16%51.4K136.21K2.2K+4.47%
2024-03-31FOURWORLD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC0.16%51.03K135.22K51.03K+100.00%
2024-03-31PREMIER FUND MANAGERS LTD0.15%47.48K117K-11.35K-19.29%
2024-03-31FIELDER CAPITAL GROUP LLC0.13%41.85K110.9K00
2024-03-31BLACKROCK INC.0.11%35.1K93.01K-2.44K-6.50%
2024-03-31NORTHERN TRUST CORP0.1%30.88K81.83K595+1.96%
2024-03-31DIMENSIONAL FUND ADVISORS LP0.09%27.35K69.2K-192-0.70%
2024-03-31STATE STREET CORP0.07%21.95K55.52K00
2024-03-31QUBE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGIES LTD0.05%16.5K41.73K5.73K+53.23%
2024-03-31UBS GROUP AG0.03%8.25K21.87K6.16K+294.27%
2024-03-31CITIGROUP INC0.02%7.43K18.8K4.39K+144.63%
2024-03-31TOWER RESEARCH CAPITAL LLC (TRC)0.02%6.62K17.55K3.51K+112.41%
2024-03-31WELLS FARGO & COMPANY/MN0%1975223+1.55%
2024-03-31JPMORGAN CHASE & CO0%8321000
2024-03-31JANE STREET GROUP, LLC0%0--10.43K-100.00%
2024-03-31GEODE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC0.47%148.43K375.71K2.55K+1.74%
2024-03-31BALYASNY ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P.3.29%1.05M2.77M00
2024-03-31PLATINUM INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LTD2.29%727.76K1.93M-8.78K-1.19%
2024-03-31SUSQUEHANNA INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLP0.3%94.72K239.63K44.86K+89.97%
2024-03-31BROWN ADVISORY INC0.04%11.13K29.5K00
2024-03-31FMR LLC0%4611600
2024-03-31683 CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC0%0--40.09K-100.00%
2024-03-31VANGUARD GROUP INC1.25%396.8K1.05M2.47K+0.63%
2023-12-31BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/0.73%217.92K812.83K217.92K+21,791,700.00%
2023-12-31REDMILE GROUP, LLC0.54%161.01K600.55K-123.56K-43.42%
2023-12-31GEODE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC0.49%145.88K544.2K71.98K+97.41%
2023-12-31MORGAN STANLEY0.35%103.88K387.49K102.22K+6,139.28%
2023-12-31PREMIER FUND MANAGERS LTD0.2%58.83K222K00
2023-12-31SCHONFELD STRATEGIC ADVISORS LLC0.16%49.2K183.52K3.1K+6.72%
2023-12-31683 CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, LLC0.13%40.09K149.54K40.09K+100.00%
2023-12-31BLACKROCK INC.0.13%37.54K140.01K-3.85K-9.29%
2023-12-31NORTHERN TRUST CORP0.1%30.28K112.96K13.75K+83.17%
2023-12-31DIMENSIONAL FUND ADVISORS LP0.09%27.54K102.74K00
2023-12-31STATE STREET CORP0.07%21.95K81.86K00
2023-12-31BROWN ADVISORY INC0.04%11.13K41.53K00
2023-12-31QUBE RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGIES LTD0.04%10.77K40.15K9.63K+844.30%
2023-12-31JANE STREET GROUP, LLC0.03%10.43K38.91K10.43K+100.00%
2023-12-31BOOTHBAY FUND MANAGEMENT, LLC0.03%10.3K38.42K10.3K+100.00%
2023-12-31TOWER RESEARCH CAPITAL LLC (TRC)0.01%3.12K11.63K-872-21.85%
2023-12-31CITIGROUP INC0.01%3.04K11.33K3.04K+101,166.67%
2023-12-31UBS GROUP AG0.01%2.09K7.81K-1.24K-37.18%
2023-12-31WELLS FARGO & COMPANY/MN0%19472498+102.08%
2023-12-31JPMORGAN CHASE & CO0%83310-1.19K-93.47%
2023-12-31FMR LLC0%46172-103-69.13%
2023-12-31GOTHAM ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC0%0--4.81K-100.00%
2023-12-31AUTHENTIKOS WEALTH ADVISORY, LLC0%0--357-100.00%
2023-12-31MILLENNIUM MANAGEMENT LLC6.04%1.81M6.75M45.93K+2.60%
2023-12-31BALYASNY ASSET MANAGEMENT L.P.3.49%1.05M3.9M-20.8K-1.95%
2023-12-31PLATINUM INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LTD2.46%736.54K2.75M-97.99K-11.74%
2023-12-31VANGUARD GROUP INC1.32%394.33K1.47M-8.06K-2.00%
2023-12-31PARKMAN HEALTHCARE PARTNERS LLC0.94%282.24K1.05M48.49K+20.74%
2023-12-31CONESTOGA CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC0.83%247.53K923.28K9.8K+4.12%

TKNO Insiders

Among the TKNO insiders holding of 9.3% of the stake in company, DAVIS IRENE, , holds the largest shares of 1.89M. DAVIS TED, , is the second largest TKNO insider with ownership of 1.89M shares. TELEGRAPH HILL PARTNERS IV, L.P., 10 percent owner, stands third with possession of 969.84K shares of that stake.

InsidersDesignationShares Held
TELEGRAPH HILL PARTNERS IV, L.P.10 percent owner969.84K
LOWELL MATTHEWChief Financial Officer128.38K
TERRILL DAMONGeneral Counsel and CCO41.03K
HOOD LISAChief People Officer33.83K
GELHAUS KENChief Commercial Officer22.92K

Buying/Selling by Insiders

DateInsiderTypeCostSharesValue ($)Shares Total
2024-07-12TELEGRAPH HILL PARTNERS IV, L.P.PURCHASE1.24969.84K1.2M969.84K
2024-07-12LOWELL MATTHEWPURCHASE1.2440.32K50K128.38K
2024-07-12GUNSTREAM STEPHENPURCHASE1.2480.65K100K243.5K
2023-11-30GELHAUS KENPURCHASE1.733.59K6.22K22.92K
2023-09-19GUNSTREAM STEPHENPURCHASE1.8554.05K100K162.85K
2023-09-19TERRILL DAMONPURCHASE1.8527.03K50K41.03K
2023-09-19MACKOWSKI J MATTHEWPURCHASE1.85810.81K1.5M810.81K
2023-09-19LOWELL MATTHEWPURCHASE1.8554.05K100K88.05K
2023-06-13HOOD LISASALE3.8011.4K43.27K33.83K
2023-05-26DAVIS IRENEPURCHASE3.261K3.26K1.89M
2023-05-26DAVIS TEDPURCHASE3.261K3.26K1.89M
2023-05-17HOOD LISASALE2.043.12K6.35K45.23K
2023-05-12GELHAUS KENPURCHASE1.673.92K6.52K19.34K
2023-05-12HOOD LISAPURCHASE1.673.12K5.2K48.35K
2023-05-12GUNSTREAM STEPHENPURCHASE1.674.67K7.77K108.8K
2022-11-15HOOD LISASALE5.282.05K10.81K31.23K
2022-11-14HOOD LISAPURCHASE4.232.05K8.66K33.28K
2022-11-14GELHAUS KENPURCHASE4.231.42K6.02K1.42K
2022-11-14GUNSTREAM STEPHENPURCHASE4.231.72K7.26K61.01K
2022-08-16GROSSMAN PAUL DAVIDPURCHASE5.624.39K24.66K9.21K
2022-08-15GROSSMAN PAUL DAVIDPURCHASE5.154.83K24.84K4.83K
2022-05-20LOWELL MATTHEWPURCHASE9.4510K94.48K10K
2022-05-13HOOD LISAPURCHASE10.937728.44K31.23K
2022-05-13GUNSTREAM STEPHENPURCHASE10.931.29K14.12K1.29K
2021-09-15DAVIS TEDPURCHASE27.081.43K38.7K1.89M
2021-09-08DAVIS TEDPURCHASE22.611.3K29.39K1.88M
2021-08-25DAVIS TEDPURCHASE19.959.09K181.35K1.88M

Frequently Asked Questions

How many institutions own TKNO stock?

A company's 13F filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) provides investors with comprehensive information about institutional ownership in a listed company, a sign of strength in terms of how many institutions have confidence in that company. The number of institutional investors who currently own TKNO shares is 45, representing 80.56% of the company's common stock.

Who are the major shareholders selling Alpha Teknova, Inc. stock?

BOOTHBAY FUND MANAGEMENT, LLC, in the last quarter, reduced its stake in TKNO by -100% restricting it's holding to 0 shares of worth nearly -. BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/ also lessened -0.78% of the TKNO shares from its portfolio, reducing its holding to 216.22 thousand shares of worth $572.98K. MORGAN STANLEY also shunned TKNO shares holding by -7.95% last quarter which brought its holding to 95.62 thousand shares worth $253.40K.

Investors who are buying TKNO stock?

As per its latest 13F filing, CONESTOGA CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC increased its stake in TKNO by 0.98% in the last quarter. The institutional holder raised its holding to 249.95 thousand shares having worth more than $662.37K. MILLENNIUM MANAGEMENT LLC also added 1.2% more shares of TKNO to its portfolio, raising its holding to 1.83 million shares of worth $4.64M. PARKMAN HEALTHCARE PARTNERS LLC also increased its TKNO shares holding by 4.95% which brought its holding to 296.2 thousand shares worth $784.94K.

TKNO's major insiders: who are they?

The insider with the most stakes in TKNO is Davis Irene , at the company. Additionally, TKNO stock is highly held by Davis Ted and 10 percent owner Telegraph Hill Partners IV, L.P. among others.

Did an insider recently sell TKNO stock?

Company executives, directors, and other insiders own 9.3% percent of Alpha Teknova, Inc.'s stock. Within the last six months, there have been 0 transaction(s) in which TKNO insiders have sold stock, totaling 0 shares. Insiders that have sold shares include HOOD LISA.

Which insider recently purchased TKNO stock?

There have been 0 transaction(s) during the past 6-months in which Alpha Teknova, Inc. insiders have bought stock, totalling 0 shares

How much of TKNO does insiders own?

Around 0 Alpha Teknova, Inc. shares are held by insiders, which represents about 9.3% of TKNO stock.

Who is the insider with the largest stake?

TKNO , Davis Irene holds the largest portfolio of the company's shares. TKNO shares owned by Davis total nearly 1.89 million.

Which institution holds the most shares in TKNO?

BOOTHBAY FUND MANAGEMENT, LLC is the largest institutional owner in TKNO which holds 0 shares worth - or 0% of the total TKNO shares outstanding followed by CONESTOGA CAPITAL ADVISORS, LLC with ownership of 249.95 thousand shares representing 0.79% of the TKNO ownership. MILLENNIUM MANAGEMENT LLC is the third largest stakeholder with 1.83 million shares or 5.76% of the ownership worth more than $4.64M.

Is Alpha Teknova, Inc. stock optionable?

Stock options give the owner the ability but not the obligation to buy or sell a security at a predetermined price and date. Stock options can be classified into two types: puts and calls. A put is a bet on falling stock, and a call is a bet on rising stock. As far as the TKNO is concerned, it is a stock which is not optionable.

Is there a short position on TKNO's shares?

Number of TKNO shares short is 351.55K. Shares short is a market sentiment in which investors have sold their shares short in a given stock but have not yet covered them or closed them out.

About how many outstanding TKNO shares are there?

As of today, 53.31M shares of TKNO are outstanding.

Is there many float in TKNO stock?

Float represents the number of tradeable shares in a specific stock. By subtracting restricted and closely-held shares from a firm's total outstanding shares, we can calculate its floating stock. The term "closely-held shares" refers to shares held by employees, major shareholders, and company insiders. At present, TKNO has 8.30M shares in float.

TKNO short ratio: what is it?

Short ratio is calculated by dividing the number of short shares, short interest or bets that shareholders will sell short from the average daily volume. A higher ratio indicates longer times needed to repurchase borrowed shares (sold). The short ratio for TKNO is 1.2.


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