NVVE Stock Outstanding Shares
Making an investment decision in the stock market involves a certain amount of risk, so it's important to thoroughly review a company's stock before making any decisions. Stock float, number of short positions and outstanding shares are among the many factors an investor should take into account.
Market Insider NVVE
Investors cannot turn a blind eye to insiders as well as institutional ownership. They need to follow insider trades to determine the direction the stock is likely to take.
Institutional Ownership
About 22.69% of NVVE shares are held by financial institutions. YOUR ADVOCATES LTD., LLP is the top corporate investor, holding 3 shares valued at $3.00. A 0% stake in Nuvve Holding Corp. is owned by the company. WELLS FARGO & COMPANY/MN owns 0 shares valued at -, which translates its holding of 0% of the stake in the company.
NVVE Insiders
Among the NVVE insiders holding of 34.89% of the stake in company, ROBSON DAVID, Chief Financial Officer, holds the largest shares of 1.03M. SMITH TED C., President and COO, is the second largest NVVE insider with ownership of 12.86K shares. POILASNE GREGORY, Chief Executive Officer, stands third with possession of 7.38K shares of that stake.