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NXU Financial Statements and Analysis


Nxu, Inc.

At Close 4:00 PM
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An instrumental part of fundamental analysis is measuring key indicators of an asset, which are the factors that can influence its value and price. However, sometimes investors show more interest in financial statements with other factors to determine whether investing in that company is the right decision. Financial statements of a company include:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Cash Flow Statement

NXU Income Statement

A company's income statement helps investors and business owners determine whether the company is profitable or losing money. Profitability is a key factor investors consider before investing in a stock. Income statements provide them with information about a company's profitability over time. The statement also enables them to observe trends in company spending and earnings since it breaks down individual costs and revenues. Income statements also provide details on where a company's money is going when it isn't profitable or its profits fluctuate.

reported currencyUSDUSDUSDUSDUSD
calendar year20242024202420232023
cost of revenue716.00K258.00K21.00K15.00K1.014M
gross profit-710.00K-251.00K-17.00K364.00K-897.00K
gross profit ratio-118.333-35.857-4.250.96-7.667
research and development expenses0562.00K395.00K620.00K2.241M
general and administrative expenses3.042M4.011M6.151M6.125M9.499M
selling and marketing expenses12.00K22.00K22.00K35.00K104.00K
selling general and administrative expenses3.054M4.033M6.173M6.16M9.603M
other expenses00000
operating expenses3.054M4.362M6.568M6.78M11.844M
cost and expenses3.08M4.62M6.589M6.795M12.858M
interest income072.00K000
interest expense000033.00K
depreciation and amortization157.00K254.00K270.00K224.00K164.00K
ebitda ratio-486.167-898.00-1.579K-16.338-107.496
operating income-3.074M-4.613M-6.585M-6.416M-12.741M
operating income ratio-512.333-659.00-1.646K-16.929-108.897
total other income expenses net-23.542M-1.927M44.00K4.21M1.823M
income before tax-26.616M-6.54M-6.541M-2.206M-10.951M
income before tax ratio-4.436K-934.286-1.635K-5.821-93.598
income tax expense-23.00K0226.724K033.00K
net income-26.593M-6.54M-6.541M-2.206M-10.951M
net income ratio-4.432K-934.286-1.635K-5.821-93.598
eps diluted-0.42-0.548-0.9130-0.22
weighted average shs out11.934M11.931M7.167M049.101M
weighted average shs out dil11.934M11.931M7.167M049.101M

NXU Balance Sheet

Balance sheet summarizes a company's financials and can be used as a basis by investors to determine the value of a company. It shows the value of the stock, as well as the assets and liabilities of the company. A company's balance sheet displays how its assets are put to use and how those assets are financed, based on the liabilities section. Both investors and analysts analyze a company's balance sheet to determine how it allocates its resources.

reported currencyUSDUSDUSDUSDUSD
calendar year20242024202420232023
cash and cash equivalents
short term investments
cash and short term investments
net receivables
other current assets
total current assets
property plant equipment net
intangible assets
goodwill and intangible assets
long term investments
tax assets
other non current assets
total non current assets
other assets
total assets
account payables
short term debt
tax payables
deferred revenue
other current liabilities
total current liabilities
long term debt
deferred revenue non current
deferred tax liabilities non current
other non current liabilities
total non current liabilities
other liabilities
capital lease obligations
total liabilities
preferred stock
common stock
retained earnings
accumulated other comprehensive income loss
other total stockholders equity
total stockholders equity
total equity
total liabilities and stockholders equity
minority interest
total investments
total debt
net debt

NXU Cash Flow

A cash flow statement is regarded as a valuable indicator of profitability and the long-term outlook for a company. It assists the company in evaluating whether it has sufficient funds to cover its expenses. Essentially, a cash flow statement represents an organization's financial health. The cash flow statement, which measures the business's ability to operate in the short as well as long term, is broken down into operating, investing, and financing activities.

reported currencyUSDUSDUSDUSDUSD
calendar year20242024202320232023
deferred income tax00-4.21M-927.00K67.00K
stock based compensation1.38M2.656M3.404M4.689M5.654M
change in working capital-1.837M148.00K-1.463M2.294M-782.00K
accounts receivables00000
accounts payables0000287.00K
other working capital-268.00K148.00K-1.476M2.259M-817.00K
other non cash items4.00M24.00K-37.00K-8.00K20.00K
net cash provided by operating activities-4.631M-3.487M-4.288M-4.739M-9.594M
investments in property plant and equipment-23.00K-850.00K-658.00K-1.191M-286.00K
acquisitions net61.00K0000
purchases of investments00000
sales maturities of investments00000
other investing activites11.00K-11.00K77.00K0522.00K
net cash used for investing activites49.00K-850.00K-581.00K-1.191M236.00K
debt repayment-40.00K0-172.00K-2.00K-487.00K
common stock issued010.712M5.891M6.575M0
common stock repurchased00000
dividends paid00000
other financing activites40.00K-40.00K0-1.67M1.00K
net cash used provided by financing activities010.672M5.687M4.903M-486.00K
effect of forex changes on cash00000
net change in cash-4.582M6.335M818.00K-1.027M-9.844M
cash at end of period4.599M9.181M2.846M2.028M3.055M
cash at beginning of period9.181M2.846M2.028M3.055M12.899M
operating cashflow-4.631M-3.487M-4.288M-4.739M-9.594M
capital expenditure-23.00K-850.00K-658.00K-1.191M-286.00K
free cash flow-4.654M-4.337M-4.946M-5.93M-9.88M

Frequently Asked Questions

How did Nxu, Inc. do last quarter? What was its Total Revenue and Cost of Revenue?

A company's Total Revenue reveals how much money it generates before any expenses or deductions are made. As a result, this metric informs investors/stakeholders how much money the business makes. Tracking and understanding it is essential for evaluating a company's growth. As opposed to revenue, Cost of Revenue is any expenses a business incur to generate revenue. There can be high revenue in a business, but if the costs are high, it won't make a profit and will go out of business when money runs out. Therefore, NXU generated $6.00K in revenue last quarter, while its costs came in at $716.00K.

Last quarter, how much Gross Profit did Nxu, Inc. report?

A business's Gross Profit is a key indicator of its profitability and financial performance. In other words, it reflects how efficiently a business uses labor, raw materials, and other resources. Nxu, Inc. reported a -$710.00K Gross Profit for the quarter ended Jun 30, 2024.

Have NXU's Total Operating Expenses and Operating Income been favorable recently?

Operational Expenses represent the costs a company must incur to generate revenue, which is the ultimate goal of a business, whereas Operating Income shows the revenue left after operational direct and indirect costs have been deducted. NXU incurred $3.05M worth of Operating Expenses, while it generated -$3.07M worth of Operating Income.

How much Net Income has NXU posted recently?

The Net Income of a company is one of the factors investors consider when investing in the company. According to recent earnings report from Nxu, Inc., the company generated -$26.59M in Net Income. When a company has a history of consistent net income, investors are more likely to invest in it since they know they will get a return.

At the end of the last quarter, how much Cash and Equivalents did Nxu, Inc. have?

The amount of Cash and Cash Equivalents is an effective indicator of the financial strength and well-being of a company. An excess cash situation occurs when a company has more cash and cash equivalents than it needs for operating activities. The amount of Cash and Cash Equivalents available to Nxu, Inc. as of the end of the last quarter was -.

What are NXU's Total Net Receivables for the last quarter?

Total Net Receivables are a company's outstanding debts to its customers. Therefore, it refers to the amount that a company expects to collect from its customers. The higher a company's net receivables are, the more confident it is that it can collect money from its debtors. As of the end of the last quarter, NXU had Total Net Receivables of -.

In terms of Total Assets and Current Assets, where did Nxu, Inc. stand at?

An asset with an economic value within a year is considered a current asset. Total assets, however, also include long-term fixed assets, intangible assets, and other non-current assets. The current Assets of NXU were -, while the Total Assets stand at -.

As of the last quarter, how much Total Debt did Nxu, Inc. have?

The total debt of a business refers to how much it borrows. A company's current and long-term liabilities are added together to calculate its Total Debt. A debt ratio may be taken into account on a balance sheet by financial lenders, investors, and business leaders when making informed decisions about future loans or investments. The total amount of NXU's debt was - at the end of the last quarter.

What were NXU's Total Liabilities during the last reported quarter?

A company's total liabilities are the sum of all debts it is liable for, including any off-balance shee liabilities it may incur. This can be calculated by adding up all short-term and long-term liabilities. In its last quarter, NXU reported total liabilities of -.

How much did NXU's Working Capital change over the last quarter?

Working Capital Change for NXU was -$1.84M over the last quarter. Working Capital Change refers to the difference between net working capital amounts at the end of one accounting period and the end of another. It tells investors/stakeholders how much the company's cash flow will differ from its Net Income (i.e., after-tax profits). More powerful companies often have positive Change in Working Capital numbers as they have increased control over collecting cash from customers and delaying payments to suppliers.

NXU generated how much cash from operating activities?

An operating cash flow statement usually contains cash from operating activities in the first section. An organization's cash from operating activities refers to the money it takes in and takes out as a result of its regular business operations. NXU generated -$4.63M of Cash from Operating Activities during its recently reported quarter.

What was NXU's latest reported Net Change in Cash?

An increase or decrease in cash and cash equivalent balances within a specified period is considered the net change in cash in a cash flow statement. Furthermore, it takes into account cash changes as a result of investments, financing, and operating activities. NXU reported a -$4.58M Net Change in Cash in the most recent quarter.


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